You don’t have to be a Christian to fast during Lent. And it doesn’t have to be a matter of just giving up one of your favorite foods.
Lenten fasting can be a much deeper experience. Yes, Jesus fasted in the desert for 40 days prior to beginning his ministry. It was a time of reflection about what was to come and to be tempted by Satan and resisting.
Make this a 40-day opportunity for you to reflect, reset, and refresh. Here are 3 ways you can fast during Lent:
- Food. Lots of people “give up” a food during Lent, whether it is candy, sugar, chocolate, pizza, etc. It is a chance to perhaps think about how this particular food is affecting your body, once you are no longer eating it. Also, why this food is so important to you and how much you are relying on this food for comfort or to fill in the boring parts of your life? Does it affect your weight, your thinking, your overall feeling of well-being? You may be surprised at what you discover.
- Distractions. What is distracting you from your life, your family, your work, your health, your relationships and what is truly important? Social media, email and texting. Television, watching Netflix. What might you discover if you aren’t distracting yourself? Abstain from something and see what other ways you can spend your time. A daily walk, starting a daily prayer or meditation practice, enjoying game night with your family, reading a truly good book. The possibilities are endless.
- Negative thinking. How much of your day do you spend judging or criticizing yourself or others? How many times do you say to yourself, “I’ll never lose weight,” “My husband doesn’t support me,” “This administration stinks,” or some other damaging thought? Why not try recognizing and turning those thoughts around to something more helpful or positive? Like, “I can do whatever I put my mind to starting now”, “I am grateful for my marriage and I will communicate more truthfully and lovingly to my husband”, or “I can do something to help change the world”, you get the idea. Just a daily gratitude practice can do wonders for your negative thinking. At the end of each day ask yourself, what was I most grateful for today?
There you go. Three ways to fast and make these 40 days truly meaningful and have a significant impact on your life. Pick one and go for it!!
I would love to hear your ideas on how you will fast during Lent. Leave a comment for me below.
And if you need help making large or small significant changes in your life, maybe from feeling stuck, contact me here. We will have a 20 minute discovery call to chat about where you need help and how I can assist you.

Jane Springer is a certified Life, Wellness and Style Coach who assists women in taking care of themselves, in body, mind and spirit. She coaches women who want to lose weight, avoid diabetes, and feel great. She also helps them thrive after divorce. She also helps them to clear their closets of old clothes and outdated attitudes, so they can shine and feel confident.