Last week I wanted to binge. On chips and salsa.
Have there been times for you when just want to say, “I don’t care. I want those chips and I want them now?”
It had been a challenging couple of days. Traveling with family, including 2 eight-year-olds, we had our flights cancelled and had to stay in Phoenix two extra days. It was 113 degrees and we were very frustrated. We wanted to get home.
I was running out of food (I always pack gluten, soy, dairy and egg-free snacks for my trips, in case I can’t find anything I can eat.)
Trying to make the best of the situation, we decided to go to the movies and afterwards we went to a sports bar for a late lunch. I was tired and hungry. The kids were cranky. I ordered a turkey burger without a bun and a salad. What I really wanted were sweet potato chips. But they were cooked in the same oil as the breaded things, so I knew it was contaminated and I couldn’t count on them being gluten-free.
Then my husband ordered chips and salsa. The basket arrived with hot, delicious looking corn chips. I asked the server if the corn chips were gluten-free. She said they were cooked in the same oil as everything else. I usually avoid corn, but I had had it.
I reached for the chips and had a few. Then I stopped. Do I really want to take a chance on feeling sick tomorrow when we are trying to fly out at 6 a.m.? I REALLY wanted them. Part of me did not care. But part of me knew that I would probably feel bad tomorrow. About the gluten (I am celiac), the corn (which I have a sensitivity to) and just in general. A binge would not help the situation or get me home and faster.
This is what I did to stop myself and it can work for you, too, if you are getting ready to binge.
Step 1. Stop. Do not reach. Close your eyes and take 5 deep breaths.
Step 2. Think about how you will feel tomorrow. Disappointed in yourself, bloated and even sick, a step farther away from your goals. Ask yourself, “Will this help me and does it feel like love?”
Or strong. Proud of yourself. Healthy. Light.
Step 3. Make a better choice. Engage in conversation. Get up and move. Call or text someone. Reach for a healthy alternative.
My choice was to keep engaging with family. Realizing there was no reason to take a chance. Ate my turkey burger and salad and was full and satisfied. Had a piece of dark chocolate.
Try these three steps the next time you want to binge out in a moment of upset, frustration or boredom.
I would love to hear how it worked for you. Leave me a note in the comments section.
Hey, and if you would like help with weight loss, making better food choices, living a healthier lifestyle or navigating gluten-free living, give me shout out here. I would love to help you.
Jane Springer is a certified Life, Wellness and Style Coach who assists women in taking care of themselves, in body, mind and spirit. She coaches women who want to lose weight, avoid diabetes, and feel great. She also helps them thrive after divorce. She also helps them to clear their closets of old clothes and outdated attitudes, so they can shine and feel confident.