How are you doing?
That’s not just a rhetorical question.
How are you really doing? I’d like to know.
Lately, I’ve been feeling like life is a lot to handle right now. I’ve been recovering from an upper respiratory bug, and it’s taking longer than usual to exit. It wasn’t Covid, thank goodness, but it’s been very discouraging. Being limited in what I could do has been challenging
My family, friends and clients all seem to be overwhelmed with something.
There are several family members who are dealing with serious health issues. Other family members are stressed out caring for them. They are being asked to step up, even when they aren’t 100% themselves. Being a caregiver is hard work and takes a toll, on everyone involved.
I worked with someone recently who had lost a parent and was caring for the other parent with dementia who is in her 90’s, while working full time. She felt like she was doing a poor job and should be doing more. The fact was, she was doing a great job juggling everything – she just couldn’t see it because of the overwhelming thoughts she was having about the situation. And just being tired and overwhelmed.
What about you?
Is there something going on in your life that is taking its toll? A health issue of your own that is a worry, a life-balance issue, or a family member who is hurting or sick, maybe whom you are being called upon to help with?
If so, I send you a lot of love. I see you.
I won’t even go into the worldly issues that are going on – fear of new Covid strains and war. It can all be so overwhelming.
All this can cause many of us to be mildly depressed and anxious at the very least.
I’d like to offer you this – the best you can do for yourself right now is to take care of yourself. Be kind to yourself. Give yourself a little break and some self-love. It may feel awkward at first, but it will do you a world of good. Figure out what you need, and go find it.
Don’t skip over this. It’s so important.
In addition, examine your thoughts about the circumstances and see if you can’t fashion some different thoughts that can shift your perspective a little.
When feeling poorly, discouraged and overwhelmed, I reminded myself, that it was not Covid, I wasn’t in the hospital, and I was truly very blessed in the big scheme of things. I was being healed. That was enough.
What can you do for yourself today that would ease the pain, depression, anxiety and overwhelm?
Whatever that is, go do it. Give yourself a little love and compassion. That will blend over into your family life and out into the world. I promise.
Sending you much love,

Jane Springer is a certified Life, Wellness and Style Coach who assists women in taking care of themselves, in body, mind and spirit. She coaches women who want to lose weight, avoid diabetes, and feel great. She also helps them thrive after divorce. She also helps them to clear their closets of old clothes and outdated attitudes, so they can shine and feel confident.