Do you have a memory from your past, maybe your childhood or young personhood, when someone made a remark about your weight, or how you looked, or how you didn’t fit the mold of how most of the other kids looked?
Have you never forgotten that remark – even though it was decades ago?
I do. When I was around 6 years old, my mother took me shopping at the department store to look for school clothes. We were having to veer into the larger sizes – it might even have been the husky or plus sizes for kids. I remember my mother telling the salesclerk, “She is just pleasing plump.”
I’ve never forgotten that statement. I have been highly conscious of my weight, the sizes of the clothes I wear and the number on the scale ever since I was young.
How about you? Has this been your journey, too?
I remember my boyfriend in college telling me to turn around in my hot pants (yes, I wore hot pants – or I wanted to) and him telling me I shouldn’t be wearing them. I had gained some weight my freshman year working in the kitchen. That chocolate chip cookie dough in vats was hard to ignore.
It was at that point I started running, but in a plastic sweat suit, so that I would lose more water weight. I was constantly eating and starving myself in order to look better.
From there I tried many different kinds of eating plans and programs to lose weight. I bought every book and magazine that had a new program in it. Unfortunately, none of them worked long term.
Do you have a similar story from your past? Remarks made and you trying to lose, so that you could gain approval from boyfriends, parents, society in general? You’ve tried everything and you just can’t seem to stick with any of them long term. You lose and gain, lose and gain it back.
I hear you and I see you. I was you.
Don’t let what happened in the past determine your future.
If you could see pictures of me now you probably would say, “How could she possibly know how I feel?”
My wake-up call came about 3 ½ years ago. I knew something was wrong in my body. I was gaining weight, especially around my middle, even though I was counting calories and eating my 6 small meals a day, as the doctor had recommended to me in my 20’s.
I begged for a hemoglobin A1C test (blood test for diabetes), because I knew some friends who had had it, and sure enough, it turned out I had become prediabetic. If you are there already, you know how scary that can be.
But I made up my mind to change the way I was eating and to manage my life-long snacking cravings. I may not have lost 100 pounds, but I did lose a significant amount of weight, especially around my middle.
But what I also gained was freedom around food. How to keep my blood sugar and insulin down.
And now I want, more than anything, to help you lose the weight you have been wanting to lose. You can be successful this time eating real food with no deprivation. I couldn’t stick with any crazy program and neither can you. This is for the rest of your life!
A lot of it is learning how to manage your mind around food. I can teach you this.
Are you ready to lose the weight and learn how to stop stress eating for good? Just hit reply to let me know and we’ll have a strategy call to talk about your next steps. Don’t let what happened in your past determine your future – plan for success at a healthy weight in your future. You can do this!
If you would like a copy of my Divinely Inspired Weight Loss Guide, click here. It will help jump start you in losing the weight right away!

Jane Springer is a certified Life, Wellness and Style Coach who assists women in taking care of themselves, in body, mind and spirit. She coaches women who want to lose weight, avoid diabetes, and feel great. She also helps them thrive after divorce. She also helps them to clear their closets of old clothes and outdated attitudes, so they can shine and feel confident.