Ready to Kiss Prediabetes Goodbye and Lose Weight, Too?
- To lose the weight around your middle that appears when your blood sugar and insulin are too high?
- To change the way you eat to healthy, whole foods that help you feel strong, energized and that also lower your blood sugar?
- To have freedom around food that inspires you and reduces your desire to emotionally overeat foods that impact your blood sugar?
You are in midlife and your health care practitioner has told you your blood sugar is too high and you are now in the prediabetic range. You have been aware that you have been gaining weight, especially around your middle, but you just thought it was a normal occurrence in midlife.
Maybe you have been eating a little too many sweets, but life has been challenging lately. You’ve been busy and grabbing a snack that gives you energy is so easy. Plus you get a little mental lift from it, too.
Or having a some cookies or chips in the evening is the way you can relax. Perhaps it’s a glass of wine or two or three.
But the bottom line is this. You have a diagnosis of prediabetes. You are scared of becoming diabetic, having to take insulin the rest of your life, and experience the health issues that diabetes can cause.
That was my story four years ago. I had gained weight, especially around my middle. The roll of fat was so disturbing for me. I hated wearing a bathing suit or shorts. I knew something was off, because every year for my physical, my fasting blood sugar was slowly creeping up. It was close to 100, but not over 100, which is the number practitioners use as a cut off to tell them you are prediabetic.
I begged to have a hemoglobin A1C test done. That is a test that reveals the amount of glucose in your body over the course of 2-3 months.
Reluctantly, the doctor ordered the test, once she found out my close family members were Type two diabetics or prediabetics. The results came back that I was prediabetic. It was quite a shock!
But I resolved to reverse the prediabetes just as quickly as I could. I did NOT want to become a diabetic. So that’s what I did. I changed the way I ate and with some help from a coach, I reversed it within 6 months. I also lost that weight around my middle which was an added bonus!
Now I want to help YOU reverse this condition, too. I know what works and can teach you what you need to do to lower your blood sugar back down. You will not have to give up all pleasurable eating, I promise. You will also learn how to handle cravings and urges.
I am Jane Springer, certified life and wellness coach, and I want to help you feel good in your body and avoid serious health problems by reversing your prediabetes. I’d love to work with you. Let’s do this together, shall we?
‘I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Phil. 4:13
"Jane was instrumental in helping me reach my goals of getting out of the "pre-diabetic" realm, losing weight, changing my eating habits, and changing my mindset and relationships with food-- all the while keeping a Christ-centered approach. Jane took the mystery out of eating plans, diets, and kept it really simple to begin eating well. A few changes made a big difference and gave me momentum and encouragement to keep it going. I have lost 19 lbs and am still working to achieve my goals with my new mindset and habits. I haven't felt as good as I do now for almost a decade. I'm very thankful for Jane's gift to communicate so well, and her honest love for people. I would recommend her to anyone who is trying to make shifts in their relationship with food, health, and self love."
~ Deanna F.
Let’s have a complimentary 20 minute call to talk about your life, health, and style challenges.
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“A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul.” ~ Proverbs 13:19
I am here to be your guide and partner in moving you to the next level of self-confidence and self-assurance to realize the dreams that you have for your health and life.

- Deeply connect with your “Why”
- How to manage your cravings
- How to retrain your brain
Grab your guide now!
7 Faith-Filled Steps to Reaching Your Ideal Weight: Download it Now!

Win your weight loss struggle with these simple steps…
- How to figure out your compelling WHY you want to lose weight, so that you can propel yourself forward to success this time.
- What are the causes of overeating and how to overcome them.
- How to manage your time better, so that you aren’t reaching for snacks for emotional support and more energy.
Grab your guide and get started losing weight and managing stress eating today!