Friday I broke my commitment to no sugar or flour. I’m being real here, y’all.
Thursday I was rockin’ it. Over 12,000 steps. Did 14 flights of stairs. Made gluten-free chocolate chip cookies for a dinner board meeting and did not eat one. Ate healthy dinner. No dessert.
Woke up Friday morning and weighed myself, and I was down one more pound. I had finally made it past the number I have been obsessing about for years. Felt very proud of myself. Good, light feeling.
Then, as the morning progressed and I was working at my desk, I started thinking about finding a gluten-free, egg-free, low sugar cookie recipe and making them. Not sure why. Maybe it was the thought that I had been down a pound and I wanted to “reward” myself or that now I had some “wiggle room.” Maybe you have felt the same – lose some lbs. and feel like you have some wiggle room to “reward” yourself.
Whatever the reason, I stopped just before 12 noon, gathered the ingredients for the cookies from the recipe on the back of the Hazelnut (low carb and low sugar) flour bag. Xylitol (which doesn’t spike your sugar, but is a form of sugar.) 100% dark chocolate nibs (no sugar). Applesauce. Turned on the TV just in time to see the new President get sworn in.
I won’t get political here. Suffice is to say, not only did I get upset, I felt strangely anxious. Whipped up the recipe while sampling the dough, got the cookies in the oven, and had a low-carb lunch. Cookies out of the oven. They did not hold together, but I managed to eat the equivalent of maybe 2. Tasted good, but not particularly happy with myself.
Cried when I watched the Obamas leave in the helicopter.
When I got up from my nap, I really wanted a piece of my gluten-free brown rice bread, so I had that with nut butter on it. It just seemed to give me comfort. I had not had any for a while. When you are gluten-free, a good bread tastes good. Have you ever eaten a certain food when you are feeling down? Most people have…
This morning when I weighed myself, I was back up one pound. Had regained that pound I was so proud of. You may think that it was nit-picking and I am overreacting, but I knew exactly why (or thought I did.)
Of course, one pound is really nothing. Could be caused by a number of factors.
But, I had broken my commitment to no-sugar, no flour (nut flours are not on my protocol.) I want to lower my blood sugar to avoid moving my blood sugar numbers from prediabetes to diabetes. I want to reduce the inflammation in my body. Thankfully, what I had eaten yesterday did not make my blood sugar spike. I had a good fasting number this morning.
So what is the takeaway here? How do I re-energize myself after breaking my commitment?
- Recognize that this was momentary emotional eating. I can get back on track. I will not give up. I am not perfect.
- Feeling discouraged is not a reason to quit. It’s an opportunity to double down (I learned this from a coach mentor.)
- I can exercise my strength and commitment muscle by getting right back on track. Recommit. Remember my Compelling Reason.
- I know what works and is good for me. Go back to that. Be gentle and wise with myself. Working on this one…
- Beating myself up is not helpful and giving up is not an option. Making your commitment with a no-fail mindset makes things simpler.
Let me ask you, have you made a commitment or a New Year’s resolution around your food or exercise, maybe, that you have not kept? It’s OK. You don’t have to be perfect. Be kind to yourself and recommit. Don’t give up. You can do this!!
Need help with committing yourself and sticking to a food protocol that you know will benefit you? Contact me here to chat. I am your biggest supporter!!
Comments welcome below!

Jane Springer is a certified Life, Wellness and Style Coach who assists women in taking care of themselves, in body, mind and spirit. She coaches women who want to lose weight, avoid diabetes, and feel great. She also helps them thrive after divorce. She also helps them to clear their closets of old clothes and outdated attitudes, so they can shine and feel confident.