Sometimes fall can be a time for a restart, like when school starts again. Where would you like to start again this fall?
So, I ask the question, “What if I know my diagnosis, but I’m not doing anything about it?” Does this sound like you?
Does it seem too hard or too overwhelming to take the next steps to lower your blood sugar and lose the weight you know would be the best thing for you?
I know that when I found out some difficult diagnoses like prediabetes and celiac disease, it seemed very overwhelming. “Where do I start? and who do I talk to?” kept running through my head.
I have friends and clients who are struggling with knowing they need to make changes but feel stuck right where they are.
They have heard the doctor say, “You are having this problem because of your diet and weight.” But how do they translate that into reality and a real desire and commitment to make the changes?
For me (and for you) action starts with finding your Why – why do you want to fix the problem? What would the ideal outcome be for you? What would it look like?
For me, my Why was I wanted to be as healthy and energetic as I could possibly be. I wanted to Feel Good again. I wanted to stop buying bigger clothes. I wanted to bring my hemoglobin A1C down out of the prediabetic range which meant lowering my blood sugar. I also have children and grandchildren that I want to spend quality time with for many years to come.
These questions are a good place to start. What is your Why? How do you want to feel? What would it look like if you made the changes, lowered your blood sugar, lost weight and had energy to really enjoy your life again? That would be awesome, right? Let me tell you, you can totally do it. Write everything down. Explore your thoughts about why and what you really want.
Start there and you can start taking actions that get you unstuck. My prayer is that you give yourself the push that can take you to the place of good health and feeling good about yourself. Remember you are “remarkably and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14) and worth the effort!
Need a push to get you moving forward with your goal of getting healthy and lowering your blood sugar with a side benefit of losing weight? Just go here to set up a time to chat.
In life and health,

Jane Springer is a certified Life, Wellness and Style Coach who assists women in taking care of themselves, in body, mind and spirit. She coaches women who want to lose weight, avoid diabetes, and feel great. She also helps them thrive after divorce. She also helps them to clear their closets of old clothes and outdated attitudes, so they can shine and feel confident.