Jane Springer

Don’t Be Afraid To Try A New Look

Spring has come to Florida and I knew it was time to try a new look.  There’s something about spring and new life that makes me want to get a new look, maybe a new outfit.  The weather is warming up.  What about you?

Do you ever feel like you are in a style rut?  Especially after a cold winter.  You want to shed those boots and sweaters.

Same clothes, same hair, same ‘ole, same ‘ole.

But do you really want a change? Yes and no.

Yes, because you are just so tired of looking in your closet and pulling out the same things to wear.

No, because making a change involves risk.  Maybe people won’t like it.  Maybe you will feel ridiculous.

But, and here is a big but…..

But what if you love it and you feel beautiful in it- new hairdo, new outfit, whatever it is.  Because if you love it, then I say just wear it, sister!!  It really doesn’t matter what someone else thinks, if you love it…

This is what I did in the past week-I tried a new hairdo and new color which makes me feel sassy.  And I bought a pair of slim pants in a light pattern that I was afraid would make rear look too big.


But, after trying them on, decided I would take the risk and get out of my comfort zone.

Feels good.  Really good.  And I love them, because they are different.

So…what will you try this spring?  How about a new hair color?  Or some new pants like these

Do it!  It’ll be amazing and you will feel like a new woman!

And listen.  If you are afraid to tackle this yourself, contact me here, and we’ll do it together, OK?

I would love to hear in the comments section what new look you tried – even attach a picture.  Share your experience with all of us.

Happy Spring!
