Jane Springer

Are you Dumbing Down Your Faith to Fit In?

gathering JanuaryHave you ever been in a situation (business or personal) where you you played down or left out your faith, because it might turn some people off? Well, I have and I’m not happy about it.

Recently, I was asked to do a health/inspiration talk to a university group and was honored to do it.  They had asked for my resume’ in advance and I guess noticed that I do teach Sunday school and a marriage prep class at my church.  I was told that I could not include any religious content in my talk.  I had no intention of doing that anyway in that setting and to that group.

But it got me to thinking.  When I do a health presentation, I generally include my story about recovering from Chronic Epstein Barr Virus Syndrome by changing my thoughts about what was possible and not accepting what the doctors had told me.

But a key part of my recovery was a deepening of my faith by reading scripture and hearing God tell me I would be healed after being really sick for a long time. And I was.  I left that out of my story.  After reflection, I felt somewhat convicted about not being authentic to who I really am.

The thing is, I don’t spend time in a professional setting sharing my faith, unless it comes up in conversation.  I don’t prosthelytize. But an important part of my life story and the hurdles I have overcome have been due to my deep faith.

I’m curious.  Have you ever “dumbed down” your faith in order to conform?  How have you handled it?

A very smart coach mentor suggested that I speak to groups where throwing that into the story would be accepted and understood, not forbidden.

And I think there is a way to work it into the story by stating my experience, but opening it up so that others may substitute whatever inspires them, be it their faith, or other type of spirituality/practice, or an inspiring public figure or teacher, even an inspiring quote.

I think this is a sensible solution and lifts the conviction I have been feeling.

Even in casual conversation, being honest about your faith without hitting someone over the head can be liberating and opens up the opportunity to have an interesting conversation.

This verse has been on my mind for the past few days since my talk.

“No one lights a lamp and then hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand. Then those who come in can see its light.  Luke 8:16

Whatever your light source. Let it shine!!


I would love to hear your thoughts about this.  Please share in the Comments section.

Would you like to connect with me one-on-one and talk more?  Contact me here.

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