I am going to get unplugged – starting tomorrow. I am headed out to Arizona to visit my step-mother with family, including my two 8-year-old grandkids.
You may be thinking,” How can she possibly be getting unplugged when she is going to have people, including children around?” Here is my answer: I am going to go out just like Jesus…
“But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” Luke 5:16.
Yes, I will have people around me. But my step-mother lives in a very small town in the mountains and her place borders on a national forest. I plan to take time every day to step away, like Jesus did and pray and reflect.
I need it. My mind has been swirling with business questions. I need some quiet time to listen, instead of asking so many questions. Listen for the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
Have you been worrying or obsessing about something? Have you been thinking and overthinking, like I have? Have you spent any time in a “lonely” place listening?
Here are a few topics I have been obsessing about: weight loss, my “special” diet and food sensitivities, where to concentrate my life coaching business, how am I going to get my part-time research assistant work done, what needs to be done around the house, and golly, what I am going to fix for dinner?
Yes, I am going to withdraw to a lonely place and pray and I am also going to listen. Let myself just surrender and enjoy time with family. And just be. On a rock, next to a stream. To follow the direction of a very wise friend, I will remind myself, “In this very tiny, singular moment, I am ok.”
How can you get unplugged – can you withdraw, if just for a few precious minutes, and surrender? Take time to pray and listen? Like Jesus did?
If you can relate to what I am sharing, leave me a comment below. Better yet, drop me an email at jane@janespringer.com. I would love to hear from you. Let’s have chat for 15 minutes and I can help you work through whatever has you obsessing, overthinking or stuck.
I’m unplugging now…..

Jane Springer is a certified Life, Wellness and Style Coach who assists women in taking care of themselves, in body, mind and spirit. She coaches women who want to lose weight, avoid diabetes, and feel great. She also helps them thrive after divorce. She also helps them to clear their closets of old clothes and outdated attitudes, so they can shine and feel confident.
beautiful Jane!!! I can’t wait to read and hear about your trip!
Thanks, Mary Ellen. The trip has been great. Fresh air, exercise, family time. Plenty of quiet time to myself. God is good.