Greetings! I hope this post finds you well and ready to dive into the holidays.
Or may that’s not the case. These past 2 years have been a little tough on us. Trying to stay healthy is something most of us think about every day.
Let me ask you:
Have you ever gotten a diagnosis or a warning from a health practitioner and not known what to do about it?
I suspect many of you have.
Back in the 80’s, I received a diagnosis of Chromic Epstein Barr Virus Syndrome – like a chronic case of mononucleosis. It was new to docs and there was no treatment or cure. I had to figure what to do about improving my health on my own.
I got really sick and was out of work for 2 months. It happened again a couple of years later. I researched and adjusted my lifestyle to accommodate this condition that would be with me the rest of my life.
Do you know what saved me? I was so sad and desperate thinking I was never going to get well that I reached for my Bible to help me. I was a Christian, but had not spent much time just reading the Bible. It was so uplifting and encouraging to read verses and knowing that God was walking this out with me.
One night I heard a voice within say, “You will be healed” and I was. My faith grew by leaps and bounds after that – I knew that I could turn to the Lord for encouragement in whatever situation I was in.
Fast forward to 2016. My doc had run some blood tests, because I knew something was off. I was gaining weight and was not “overeating.” Or so I thought. I had to beg to get a hemoglobin A1C test(for measuring blood sugar over time) done, but the persistence paid off. I was diagnosed as prediabetic – on my way to diabetes. I was ingesting too much sugar and processed foods and eating 6 times a day (based on instructions from my former doc.) This time all the doctor said was “watch your carbs.”
No help at all!
So again, I did a ton of research and got the help of a wellness coach to be able to reverse the prediabetes. I did it in about 6 months and lost 12 pounds. But, you know what helped me the most in addition to my change in diet in my healing journey?
My Bible again…I turned to God for my encouragement and inspiration. Being able to read those verses about HIs love and healing made all the difference.
So, I want the same for you. If you have prediabetes, diabetes or are just concerned about your blood sugar, weight AND want to combine the physical healing with spiritual encouragement, please join me on December 16, 2021 at 7 p.m. ET. I am presenting a webinar, How to Spiritually Manage Your Blood Sugar, that will give you practical tips for lowering your blood sugar with scripture verses to inspire you.
You will have the opportunity to ask questions, too.
Please register below to reserve your spot.…/reg…/WN_RIaANtegQpiIHaeiVoGq6A

Jane Springer is a certified Life, Wellness and Style Coach who assists women in taking care of themselves, in body, mind and spirit. She coaches women who want to lose weight, avoid diabetes, and feel great. She also helps them thrive after divorce. She also helps them to clear their closets of old clothes and outdated attitudes, so they can shine and feel confident.