“I hate to shop because I’ve gained weight!”
“I have nothing that fits anymore!”
“I have at least three sizes in my closet and I don’t fee good in any of them!”
“I’m not buying any new clothes until I lose the weight.”
If any of these statements sound like you, you are not alone. Believe me. I hear them all the time from my clients.
The good news is those statement can be changed to:
“I look great (substitute pretty, fabulous really good),!”
You don’t have lose weight to feel good about the way you look.
All it takes is changing your thoughts and attitude a bit and having the courage to dress yourself well at the weight you’re at now. If you want to lose weight, you can always update your wardrobe later.
What’s important is accepting yourself as you are and dressing in a stylish and flattering way that will give you confidence and help you feel fabulous.
How to do this? Here are a few suggestions:
- Get your courage up and try on the clothes you have now. Are they out of date, in poor shape or just downright unflattering? Or you do even like them, but someone gave them to you or you bought them on an impulse purchase? Out they go.
- Think about your lifestyle. Do you work outside the home? Is it a corporate setting, law firm, in the medical field or do you sit in a cubicle and dress doesn’t really matter? Do you work from home, are an entrepreneur, or a busy homemaker? Or a combination of some of the above? That will determine what items you should focus on to spruce up your wardrobe. Most of my clients need mostly a chic, casual wardrobe with some items to wear out on dates, to parties and special occasions. If you are in a corporate or law setting, a couple of good suits to mix and match with some pretty blouses are important.
- Next, look through some fashion magazines or Pinterest and cut out or flag outfits and colors that you would love to wear. If you aren’t sure about what would be flattering on your body now, do some research online. Or get some help from a friend or stylist, even a consultant in a store. Watch past episodes of What Not To Wear. You get what I mean. What items do you wish you could have?
- Finally, have courage and venture out- in stores and online. Take a friend or a stylist with you if you don’t have a clue. There are so many styles out there that can camouflage a little extra around the middle or any other spot that you are sensitive about. Trust me, you will look pounds thinner and look smart and/or sexy if you wear clothes that flatter, rather than too tight or too baggy clothes you think look O.K.
Ready?? Be bold and beautiful! Go forth and conquer. You can do it. If you are reluctant to attempt this on your own, shoot me an email at jane@janespringer.com and we will set up a 20-minute call to talk about your style and closet challenges.
I’d love it if you would share your thoughts and suggestions around this issue and any questions you may have…

Jane Springer is a certified Life, Wellness and Style Coach who assists women in taking care of themselves, in body, mind and spirit. She coaches women who want to lose weight, avoid diabetes, and feel great. She also helps them thrive after divorce. She also helps them to clear their closets of old clothes and outdated attitudes, so they can shine and feel confident.