Let’s pretend the clothes in your closet could talk to you. You open the closet door and they say:
I’m stuffed!
I’m bored!
I’m tired!
I’m sad!
I’m quirky!
I stand out, and not in a good way!
I’m lonely!
I’ve given up…..
I’m amazing!
Well, what did yours say????
If yours said anything other than the last comment, it’s time for an intervention. I know, I know. You say to yourself,”I really need to do something about this, but I don’t have time (read: have the energy, the interest, you substitute.) But nothing happens. Things just keep piling up in there.
You have 3 sizes of jeans from when you lost and gained weight. Or you know you will wear that sweater sometime, although it hasn’t been in the past 5 years. And those shoes! The ones that are so cool, but they kill your feet, so you don’t wear them. Or the jacket that you got as a hand-me-down from your mom and you can’t bear to let it go even though you know it doesn’t flatter you at all.
Do you look in the closet and say, “I don’t have anything to wear!” Or are you wearing the same clothes that you did 10 years ago, but your closet is full of things you have bought or have been given to you and you’ve never worn?
If any of this sounds like you, take heart. All is not lost.
You can talk back to those clothes in your closet. You say, “I’m coming! I’ll help you find a new home. I’ll find new ways to wear you. I’ll loosen things up in there.”
Come on. Set aside a date and time. How about a Saturday? Before the end of the year would be ideal, so you can start fresh in the new year. It would also help to have an objective third party there (like a friend or wardrobe consultant like me who will tell you the truth.)
Pull everything out or in sections, if doing the who thing is too overwhelming. Start trying things on, look in a mirror and say, “Do I love it, is it useful, have I worn it in the past 2 years?” If the answer is no to any of those questions, out it goes. Have a Keep, Donate, and Throw away. Keep at at it until you are done. Take breaks, if necessary. Keep your strength up and don’t stop until your goal is accomplished. I neat, orderly closet with clothes that fit and flatter you.
Guys, this goes for you, too! You need the same intervention. Get someone to help you, but get it done.
Now, don’t you feel better?
Your closet now says:
It’s roomy in here. I can breathe!
Look how stylish I am!
See how everything looks so fresh and neat!
What’s next? I’m ready for something new and stunning!
So, ladies and gentlemen, that’s it. Closet and wardrobe intervention complete. Relax and enjoy your holidays!
If you do need help with this, please contact me right away. The time is now. I’m here for you!
Happy holidays!
Have a comment? I’d love to hear from you!

Jane Springer is a certified Life, Wellness and Style Coach who assists women in taking care of themselves, in body, mind and spirit. She coaches women who want to lose weight, avoid diabetes, and feel great. She also helps them thrive after divorce. She also helps them to clear their closets of old clothes and outdated attitudes, so they can shine and feel confident.