These are strange and scary times. We have all had feelings of anxiety, fear, overwhelm, disorientation or being depressed over the past month. Maybe it is time for a life and health Reset.
Life as we knew it doesn’t exist anymore. We might feel disconnected from the world and our families and loved ones. Some of us are at home together in a way we aren’t used to in normal times.
I miss seeing my daughter and grandchildren so much. Face time is better than nothing, but it’s not the same.
But, one upside to this confinement for me has been more time for reflection about my life, health and relationships.
What about you? Have you started reevaluating what’s important and what isn’t? Maybe have you have considered the possibilities of how you would like to make changes for the future.
For me, this time has made me take note of how I have taken for granted being able to see my daughter, grandchildren and other members of my family. And they live in the same city as I do!
This time has also made me pay more attention to my health. We take for granted not being sick, don’t we? If we have underlying health conditions, have we been ignoring what is right in front of us?
Sure, medications can help, but are there things we could be doing to do what we can to lessen the burden on our bodies of having, for instance, high blood pressure, too high sugar and insulin, high cholesterol, and being overweight?
For me, this time of self-isolation and uncertainty has really made me pay attention to my habit of reaching for dark chocolate when I am stressed. Luckily, I know what to do instead of indulging in it, but it’s still something I deal with every day, especially since I am not leaving the house. I need to be careful not to become prediabetic again and put the fat back on around my middle which can be very unhealthy.
What about you? Has this time of self-isolation and disruption from normal day to day activities, triggered you to eat more – to snack your feelings away?
We now have the perfect time for a life and health Reset. We can recognize that things need to change. We can do things a brand new way.
This is our Wake-Up call. Having underlying health conditions puts us at more risk of being susceptible to COVID-19.
Maybe you have just realized that you don’t want to eat your feelings anymore and want to lose those 5, 10, 20 pounds that you have been carrying around for years.
Now is the time for a RESET, for doing a New Thing.
“See I am doing a new thing, do you not perceive it?” Isaiah 43:19
If you are ready for a RESET today, if you are tired of the way things are and how you feel. Right now in the month of April 2020, I am offering one coaching session to get you jump started, for $100. My coaching program is normally 12 weeks, but this is too important, especially now. If you decide you want to continue after that session for the 12 weeks, we can surely do that, too.
Just send me an email at, and we will set up your coaching session while you have this time off.
Is it time for your RESET?
To your life and health,

Jane Springer is a certified Life, Wellness and Style Coach who assists women in taking care of themselves, in body, mind and spirit. She coaches women who want to lose weight, avoid diabetes, and feel great. She also helps them thrive after divorce. She also helps them to clear their closets of old clothes and outdated attitudes, so they can shine and feel confident.