What, you say, do elevators and foxes have in common and why in the world could they bring joy?
They happen to be the most favorite things that bring joy to my two almost 10-year-old grandchildren, Harper and Granger.
Elevators. You probably take them for granted. Nothing special, unless, of course, they stop between floors. But my grandson, who is on the autism spectrum (AS), has delighted in elevators since he was very little. He likes to ride on them, press the button, act as elevator operator for anyone who gets on, and can name most elevator companies in the world. He can tell you which kind of elevator was in each hotel he has stayed in and each building he has visited.
He gets so excited and there is such delight in his face when he is riding on them, that we can’t help but smile and be delighted, too. Some may say, because he is on the AS, that we are indulging in his “obsession” and we should try to to get him to focus on other things. Which he does. But there is nothing like the anticipation of an elevator ride for him. And we just think that’s OK.
Now his twin sister may get a little impatient with him and a little embarrassed, especially when he asks other riders which floor they would like. She is at “that age” and she knows what’s coming when there is an elevator involved. She rolls her eyes, but, in the end, she knows he is who he is and she can’t change that. Sometimes it’s difficult for her to have a brother on the spectrum. We just remind her that he is special and different and so is she, each in his and her own way. Sometimes they fight, sometimes they have fun playing. They are siblings, after all!
Now. She is another one with an obsession. And it is foxes. She has loved foxes since she was very little. I can’t count the number of fox stuffed animals of all sizes and pictures of foxes she has in her room. She loves nature shows about foxes and can identify all the different kinds of foxes and what kind of sound they make. She even has a giant fox head that she can put on over her head. Crazy. She wants to be a veterinarian. Animals in general bring her joy, but especially foxes. Granger doesn’t get it. But that’s OK. He doesn’t have to. That’s her thing.
We each have something special that brings us joy, right?
What brings me joy are horses, cats, animals in general, nature, and my family, especially my dear, beloved grandchildren. Happy Birthday, Harper and Granger! Your Nana loves you to pieces…
What brings you joy? Please share in the comments section. I’d love to hear them.

Jane Springer is a certified Life, Wellness and Style Coach who assists women in taking care of themselves, in body, mind and spirit. She coaches women who want to lose weight, avoid diabetes, and feel great. She also helps them thrive after divorce. She also helps them to clear their closets of old clothes and outdated attitudes, so they can shine and feel confident.