Well, I am back from the retreat in Alabama at the Blessed Trinity Shrine Retreat. The weather was gorgeous for January, had plenty of time to walk in the woods, and I saw three deer! However, the weekend did not turn out as I had anticipated. My plan was to spend time just sitting in the chapel, spending time with Jesus. But I didn’t spend much time doing that.
Every time I would go into the large chapel and sit, I really didn’t feel anything. I felt restless and unconnected. Have you ever felt that way? You really want to feel connected to God and just can’t quite get there? I kept asking the Lord to speak to me there and it just didn’t happen.
The retreat leader, Anne Tousant,http://annetrufant.com/ was very dynamic and inspiring with plenty of good messages and music. She asked us to let the Lord speak a new name to me this weekend. Later that evening as I was going to sleep, I heard the name “disciple”. He is calling me to be a student and follower of Him. Anne also urged us throughout the weekend to go out and share ourselves with others. To be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Major takeaways from the weekend:
“Feed what you want to grow” “Mind your mind” “Let God till the soil”
God rejoices over me with singing!
Spend time in the Word of God – read scripture
“Let the Word of God dwell in you richly” Col. 3:16
Pray “Take out of my life what does not give You glory, Lord.”
“What could you do if you knew you had God’s power behind you?”
“What is blocking me from going forward to take what God has in store for me?”
“We are the lighthouse, not the light. We point to Jesus.”
So even though I felt like I didn’t have a person to person meeting with Jesus, I really did through Anne and her message, reading scripture, and spending time outdoors in his creation. God is good!

Jane Springer is a certified Life, Wellness and Style Coach who assists women in taking care of themselves, in body, mind and spirit. She coaches women who want to lose weight, avoid diabetes, and feel great. She also helps them thrive after divorce. She also helps them to clear their closets of old clothes and outdated attitudes, so they can shine and feel confident.