Have you ever thought to yourself, “I know it’s time to move it off this couch,” a.k.a. exercise, “but I just don’t feel like it?” I have that thought sometimes, even though I know I will feel great once I’ve done it.
This week my husband and I saw Bruce Springsteen (The Boss) and the “E” Street Band in concert. It was 3 1/2 solid hours of song after song, pounding beats, jump up and dance music, and some soulful love songs, too. Up until the very end of the concert, The Boss moved, jumped, danced, walked around through the hundreds of fans, and played screamin’ guitar.
The man is 66 years old, people! Not to mention the other members of the band, who are not spring chickens either (except the sax player.) Rockin’ and rollin’ for over 3 hours with no breaks.
Curious, I looked up what kind of diet he eats and what his exercise program is. He eats a mostly vegetarian diet, lifts weights and runs 8 miles. The same regimen for the past 20 years. Could it be that simple?
Sure, he may have a trainer or maybe not. Either way, he is an inspiration to me.
The next time I complain about having to go for a 30 minute walk, I am going to remember The Boss and get my tushy out the door.
Are you using your age or fatigue as an excuse to not exercise? Time for a reality check. Those excuses do not hold up. Studies show that when you exercise at any age you get more energy, stronger bones, great circulation, improved mood, and an increased metabolism.
So take a lesson from The Boss. Get out and walk it, work it, move it or shake it. Keep your body moving. The benefits will amaze you.
Comments welcome. I’d love to hear from you.
![Jane Springer Life and Wellness Coach](https://www.janespringer.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/jane-cropped-1.jpg)
Jane Springer is a certified Life, Wellness and Style Coach who assists women in taking care of themselves, in body, mind and spirit. She coaches women who want to lose weight, avoid diabetes, and feel great. She also helps them thrive after divorce. She also helps them to clear their closets of old clothes and outdated attitudes, so they can shine and feel confident.