Welcome to 2020 and a new decade!
I have a question for you: Was one of the things you vowed that you really want to have happen in 2020 is to find new love – attract a partner?
If so, you are in the right place! I’m going to give you some steps to take to get you started in that direction. Here we go:
- Examine your thoughts about finding a partner, dating, your past attempts, your lack of confidence or reluctance to try again, anything and write them down. Dig deep.
- How do you feel about your health, your body, your style and how you present yourself? Write those down.
- What do you feel good about – what you have to offer, why you think you are in a good place to find love? Write these down.
In numbers 1 and 2, identify the ones that really stand out to you – those are the thoughts and feelings that may be really holding you back from finding new love and attracting the perfect person into your life. These are things you need to work on.
In number 3, what stands out to you as really positive thoughts and feelings? Those are your strengths – when you have positive feelings about where you are and how you feel in your skin, that is when you will find new love and attract the right person.
Now you have your work cut out for you. Because it all starts with YOU, not the person who is out there looking for you. You have to do the work on YOU first.
Once you find what’s holding you back and find the thoughts and feelings that will move you forward, THAT is when you will find new love and attract someone.
Do you need help with this process? I’ve been in your situation multiple times, after divorces and long term relationships. It wasn’t until I really went deep inside myself and examined my past and my choices did I move forward. Only when I decided to do the work of excavating old feelings and doubt and turned them into trusting myself and surrendering to what God had in store, did I find new love and my husband of almost 15 years.
So if you want to move forward with attracting a partner and finding new love in 2020, email me at jane@janespringer.com and we’ll talk about where you are and what you want in a partner. We’ll chat about how I can help you with your confidence, your style, your body image, and letting go of old thoughts and feelings to propel you into finding new love and attracting the perfect person to spend your life with! I have a signature program that covers all of this. You CAN find new love in 2020!

Jane Springer is a certified Life, Wellness and Style Coach who assists women in taking care of themselves, in body, mind and spirit. She coaches women who want to lose weight, avoid diabetes, and feel great. She also helps them thrive after divorce. She also helps them to clear their closets of old clothes and outdated attitudes, so they can shine and feel confident.