What have I learned from having COVID-19? It can be a time for an examination of your life.
This is what happened.
For nine months, I was a fanatic about being careful. Always wearing a mask, limiting time around people. Not having family for Thanksgiving. Using hand sanitizer after every encounter or washing my hands.
Not visiting a close family member when she was in the hospital. Ditto for when she went to rehab (they wouldn’t let us in anyway.)
Long story short. When this family member was discharged, I drove her around on errands (she could not drive) to pick up medications and to a pre-op appointment where they did a COVID test. We had on masks, but hers kept slipping below her nose. One day later she started having symptoms and one day after that got positive test result.
I had been in a car with her very close (with masks) for several hours. That’s all it took. I had 2 negative tests, until day 12 when I tested positive.
It has not been fun. Fever, chills, cough, congestion, fatigue. I’ve turned the corner and will be able to go out again in a couple of days. Thank you, God. My husband is in quarantine for a while longer. We are waiting on his latest test result.
Some of you may have already had COVID or a family member get it. You may understand.
Why am I sharing this?
Because this life is short and precious. When you are burning up with fever and wondering if you are going to be one of the ones that ends up in the hospital and never comes out, you start examining your life.
Maybe it’s time for you to do the same.
I’d like you to consider these questions:
- What do you still want to do that you haven’t done in your life so far?
- What do you want to drop, because it drains you? Takes the life out of you? You stopped enjoying it or getting any satisfaction a long time ago.
- Is it time to let go of a relationship or relationships that aren’t good for you?
- Is there a relationship you’d love to have, but been afraid to get out there and look for it?
- Is there a dream you’ve had your whole life and been afraid to try to do it?
I am examining these questions in my own life right now. Having COVID has been scary. I knew the Lord was walking through it with me, but it has still been scary.
Will you examine you life right now and ask yourself these questions? Take time to do this and write down your thoughts.
Then, take action! If you want to explore these further with a guide to move you along, schedule an appointment with me here. We’ll explore how to get you moving forward.
Remember life is short and precious. Please don’t wait any longer to make a change.
With love,
P.S. Masks covering your Nose and Mouth do make a difference. So does social distancing.

Jane Springer is a certified Life, Wellness and Style Coach who assists women in taking care of themselves, in body, mind and spirit. She coaches women who want to lose weight, avoid diabetes, and feel great. She also helps them thrive after divorce. She also helps them to clear their closets of old clothes and outdated attitudes, so they can shine and feel confident.