Well, here we go in 2021! Lots has happened in past couple of weeks. You may have thought that in 2021, things were finally going to get a little bit back to normal. Whatever, “normal” means to you.
Maybe, you had decided that since it was a new year, you could finally lose the weight that you wanted to lose for so long. You are on a new path – trying a new thing. Like a lot of times you do on Monday mornings, saying, “I am going to start fresh today after that weekend.”
I have done this so many times in my life. When I had been “bad” overdoing it with ice cream or cookies. I never thought I was “that bad”, but the fact was I was driving my blood sugar up to unhealthy levels. And gaining weight, especially around my middle.
But now something has happened for you between January 1 and today that has set you back on your resolve to “do better” on your eating. You know what you want: to have more energy, to fit in your smaller clothes again, to stop hurting in your joints or stop the headaches.
Your brain may be telling you, “why bother? I’ll just fail again and give in to the food I can’t seem to stop eating.”
I want to offer you this: The good news is you can change the way your brain is thinking. You can change the way you are feeling about what happened. You can change the next action you take. And you can change the results you get.
I figured it out and now it’s a lifestyle for me.
You don’t have to give up now.
I have a client who has lost weight, but who also had some setbacks in the process. She had some health and relationship challenges that led to her overeat in the process. She got very discouraged.
Are you already feeling discouraged in 2021? But you really want to finally lose that extra weight you are carrying around? You want to feel better about yourself.
Please don’t give up. You can do a new thing a new way this time.
This is what my client said when she finished her weight loss journey:
“Being a client of Jane’s has certainly been a rewarding experience for me. Jane introduced me to a new approach to weight loss that has been easy and effective, one that I have adopted as a lifestyle change. Not only was Jane motivating and a good listener, she helped me reconstruct some of my negative thoughts about weight loss into positive results. I would highly recommend Jane as your Life Coach. She has all the right tools to help you become successful, too!”
Wouldn’t you like to feel better about yourself this year?
Let’s ditch those negative thoughts together and I will help you reach your ideal weight in 2021. Schedule a time to chat with me here and let’s move you forward in 2021, OK?
Here is a verse that can inspire you to do things a new way in 2021.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19

Jane Springer is a certified Life, Wellness and Style Coach who assists women in taking care of themselves, in body, mind and spirit. She coaches women who want to lose weight, avoid diabetes, and feel great. She also helps them thrive after divorce. She also helps them to clear their closets of old clothes and outdated attitudes, so they can shine and feel confident.