I have heard from clients, friends and colleagues that they really want to lose weight and they have tried before, but losing weight is just too HARD.
Is that what you are thinking? It’s too hard to lose weight. Nothing has worked in the long term.
I would like to offer three reasons why you have made losing weight so hard. That’s right. You have made it hard.
The good news is you can fix that. With some changes to your own thinking. It’s fixable and successful weight loss is within your reach in 2018.
Reason #1: You are focused on past thinking. Whenever you are thinking about losing weight you think, “I have tried this diet and that diet and haven’t been successful at any of them.” Because you focus on the past, you don’t have any room in your brain for the new possibilities in the future. You are defeating yourself before you even begin to change your eating habits. You have given up before you start.
Reason #2: You are focused on what you might have to give up. I don’t know how many women I have talked to who want to lose weight, but they don’t want to give up their wine, or bowl of ice cream for dessert, or their bread. You name it. Again, you aren’t leaving any room in your brain for new possibilities. Like food that keeps you satisfied, so that you don’t need anything else to lift your spirits. Or physical activity that can give you the same relaxed feeling as the wine. Like gaining lots of energy.
Reason #3: Your reason for wanting to lose weight isn’t compelling enough. You for sure are not going to be successful if you don’t have a good enough reason. And it does not have to be a noble reason like lowering your blood sugar or your cholesterol (although those are pretty compelling reasons for some people, like me.) These are the people who say they want to lose weight, but hem and haw about why. Yeah, sure, they want to fit into a closet full of clothes again, to move freely again, to not look down and see that extra weight around their middle. But they have too much going on, they are distracted with stressful work and don’t have time right now, whatever.
So, what if you are someone who has resisted losing weight or have not been successful because of one or more of these reasons? But you REALLY want to turn things around in 2018. You really are ready this time.
The answer is Change Your Thinking. It all starts there. It’s time to think about the possibility of success. Be future focused. How do want to look and feel?
Instead of thinking about past failures, think about what you can and will do. You are a smart woman, you know that. Then make some new neural pathways in your brain by thinking new thoughts, such as, “I can do this!” “I can kill it at 140 pounds!” Focus on the future in a positive way.
Think about what you will GAIN. And it’s not pounds. You may let go of the ice cream 98% of the time, but what will you gain is self-mastery, self-confidence, energy, a wardrobe you can wear again, better lab reports from the doctor, a healthier family, just keep going.
And lastly, the key first step is come up with your compelling reason to lose weight. Your WHY. It has to be something that resonates with you, that will propel you forward to success. It is what will keep you focused, so that this time weight loss may be challenging, but maybe not so HARD this time.
If you need some help with changing your thinking, support, and accountability with your successful weight loss in 2018, be sure and contact me right away. My availability for one-on-one coaching in 2018 is closing up. And I would love to help you make 2018 the year you mastered weight loss, once and for all.
Happy New Year, everyone!

Jane Springer is a certified Life, Wellness and Style Coach who assists women in taking care of themselves, in body, mind and spirit. She coaches women who want to lose weight, avoid diabetes, and feel great. She also helps them thrive after divorce. She also helps them to clear their closets of old clothes and outdated attitudes, so they can shine and feel confident.