Are you someone who, at the heart of it all, does not believe that you are enough? Just as you are? You may have to dig deep, but it’s probably there.
I put myself in that category. A belief that I have held since childhood. What about you?
Constantly trying to improve myself – by getting good grades, win blue ribbons, trying to look good, attract guys, make money, get ahead, be a success, etc. I bet you have your own list, right? I think we, as women, all do it in one way or another.
The need to get it right. Can’t fail. Can’t do it wrong. That’s a lot of pressure over a lifetime, isn’t it? Whew.
Recently, in prayer, I heard a voice say, Jane you are enough. You have always been enough. When I heard that, my whole body relaxed. I felt so loved. Unconditionally. Like a loving cloak had been thrown over me.
You mean, I can actually let things go? Get things wrong? Not have to do anything to be loved? You mean I can love myself as I am? I don’t have to DO or PROVE anything?
Let’s play pretend. What if, in your life, you:
- Didn’t have to be strive to be the best?
- Didn’t have to be ashamed of the mistakes you’ve made in the past?
- Didn’t have to eat to feel better?
- Didn’t have critical thoughts about your body when you look in the mirror?
- Didn’t have to beat yourself up if you fail at something?
- Didn’t have to measure up to others?
- Didn’t have to worry about everything?
- Didn’t have to try and control everything?
- Didn’t have to try to be and look perfect?
- Didn’t have to be a success by other people’s standards?
- Didn’t have to live in fear or anxiety?
I could go on…..These questions are coming from my own experience. Can you add your own?
What if, one day, you understood that you were always enough? That you have been perfect all along? That you can relax and let go now?
Take a breath.
Wouldn’t that be amazing? Guess what? It doesn’t have to be a game of pretend. You are enough. Believe it. How? Because even before you were born you were perfect. You were chosen.
Even before He made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. Ephesians 3:4
The King is enthralled by your beauty. Psalm 45:11
You are a daughter of the King. You can be who you always were before things got complicated and you thought you had to earn love and attention.
Let go. Bask in it. Relax.
You are loved. Beyond measure. There is nothing else you need to do to be loved or lovable.
You can’t get it wrong.
Yes. You are enough. Believe it.
I am just learning to believe this myself.
If this resonates with you, please leave me a comment. Have you felt like this?
Want to chat? Send me an email at
I am grateful for you!
Much love,

Jane Springer is a certified Life, Wellness and Style Coach who assists women in taking care of themselves, in body, mind and spirit. She coaches women who want to lose weight, avoid diabetes, and feel great. She also helps them thrive after divorce. She also helps them to clear their closets of old clothes and outdated attitudes, so they can shine and feel confident.